USG - Originality in the Arts and Sciences Fall 2011


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Dr. Laude's OAS Lectures--read at your leisure and for your pleasure

Listed below are the typed notes for lectures that Dr. Laude will give in OAS this fall.
Note: The files are in Adobe Acrobat format. You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them.

A first lecture on thinking logically in the sciences
Worksheet to illustrate the challenge of science lectures
A sweeping overview of probablity and statistics
Experiment design--Writing your own lab manual
Optimization--efficient ways to get to the to of the response surface
Modeling--Reducing a response surface to a single mathematical equation
Smoothing--Whatever you want, I can make it look that way
Smoothing--Just who is that with Elivs in the White House?
The black Box--how we get analog signals into digital form